Jampa Dorjee
Jampa Dorjee embarked on his spiritual journey in 2001 when he had the honor of meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala. Following this auspicious encounter, he joined the Sera Jey Monastery and pursued his education at the Sera Jey Secondary School, affiliated with CBSE.
In 2010, after completing his 10th standard, he delved deeper into Buddhist philosophy by enrolling in a monastic university. Here, he immersed himself in the study of Buddhist logic, perfection of wisdom, middle way, monastic discipline, and phenomenology, focusing on the five major root texts. Over the past 14 years, he has diligently studied three of these texts and dedicated three years to monastic discipline and two years to phenomenology.
Jampa’s journey extended beyond the walls of the monastery as he served on various university programs, facilitating educational exchanges among students from different countries. He was also entrusted with the esteemed role of translating teachings by eminent masters like Gardentripa, enriching his understanding of the Dharma.
Participating in conferences such as the World Religions Summit in Bangalore, interfaith dialogue, solidarity conference, etc. have broadened his perspective. At these gatherings, he had the opportunity to present and share his insights, contributing to meaningful dialogue.
Jampa’s path in Buddhism is guided by a deep sense of gratitude and a commitment to lifelong learning, seeking wisdom not only for personal growth but also for the betterment of humanity.